What Are the Alternative Functions and Benefits of Cell Phones for Students
David Blasco, Department of Education, Taiwan
Taiwanese College students bring their own cell phones in the English classroom and teachers may become overwhelmed with these technology trends. This study aims to provide a realistic perception of the hidden meanings of the use of mobile devices in English class settings and the benefits it can bring to the students. For this purpose, two conventional classes of fourth year license degree in the Department of Travel Management were the respondents. The students’ schooling experiences were clarified with a student satisfaction questionnaire, their values highlighted with an interview, and their social interactions explained with observations of the two classes. The results of this study show that, even though they were not used to working collaboratively in small team-work groups, Taiwanese students were highly likely to develop a collaborative learning style that utilizes emails and internet connections matching their learning needs and motivations and optimizing their academic success.
Technology, cell phones, emails, collaborative learning, internet connections.
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School Management Information Systems: Challenges to Educational Decision Making in the Big Data Era
Vivienne V. Forrester,Nova Southeastern University, United States of America
Despite the benefits of school management information systems (SMIS), the concept of data-driven school culture failed to materialize for many educational institutions. Challenges posed by the quality of data in the big data era have prevented many schools from realizing the real potential of the SMIS. The paper analyses the uses, features, and inhibiting factors of SMIS. The paper proposes a five-phase conceptual model that assist administrators with making timely, quality decisions. The paper enriches the theoretical landscape of SMIS usage in the era of big data and lays a foundation for the future by establishing an educational decision-making model.
School management information system, big data, educational decision-making, data-driven schools, educational model, student-information system.
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An Investigation Into the Effectiveness of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (Caps) in South African Schools
Tinuade Adekunbi Ojo1 and Refentse Mathabathe2, 1University of Johannesburg. Johannesburg, 2Ahube Valley Ext 3 3891 Khomotso Street 0122, South Africa
The paper presents the findings from current research on the impact that the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) curriculum subjects have on two South African Schools in Gauteng province in South Africa. The aim is to present the impact of the CAPs subjects in the school. The study did a critical evaluation of each subject to elaborate on the importance and challenges in implementing the subjects and using a qualitative research method to collect data on a group of teachers and students on their opinion on the impact of CAPs subjects. The findings suggest that even though the curriculum is effective, it needs to be improved to close the gap between public and private schools. Private schools are currently benefiting the most from the subjects and how the curriculum is structured.
CAPS Subjects, Public and Private Schools, Primary and High School, Department of Basic Education
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Classroom Communication and ICT Integration: Public High School Teachers’ Notions
Louis Placido Francisco Lachica, Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus Pontevedra, Philippines
As part of the 21st Century skills, the integration of Information and Communication Technology is inevitable in classroom communication. This descriptive qualitative research covered all 60 teachers in five selected public high schools in Capiz, Philippines. Semi- structured interviews, informal interviews, and observations were done to gather data. The data were analyzed using General Inductive Approach and thematic analysis to unearth and cull emerging notions and themes. Participants viewed classroom communication as a process, tool, context, interaction, and strategy. ICT for them was a driver for change, a conduit for learning, a modern technology, and an instrument for effective teaching and learning. ICT integration in classroom communication was interpreted to have helped teaching, to be a new medium of instruction, and a marriage or partnership between classroom commClassroom Communication, ICTs, ICT Integration, Notionsunication and ICTs. It is recommended that best practices in integrating ICTs in classroom communication should be explored and documented.
Classroom Communication, ICTs, ICT Integration, Notions
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Technopreneurship Mobile Application (TMA): A Support Mechanism for Flexible Learning Delivery System
Dr. Maricris M. Usita1 and Ronnie Del Rosario2, 1College of Arts, Sciences, and Technology, 2 Department of Information Technology, Philippines
Mobile phones are essential in our daily lives because of their benefits in communication, entertainment, and education. Students use their mobile phones in teaching-learning engagement, both synchronous and asynchronous. The study focused on developing and validating Technopreneurship Mobile Application (TMA) in its functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, and User interface/user experience. The study engaged with developmental research using the mobile app development cycle, including requirement specification, development modeling, design and development, testing, and deployment. Online data gathering and analysis were used for mobile application validation, evaluation performance, and mobile deployment. A total of 95 information technology students evaluated the application. The results showed that the application is functional, reliable, usable, efficient, and the user interface is helpful. The overall results obtained a 4.20 with an excellent evaluation that shows that developing a mobile application can be a great tool in the flexible learning delivery for students due to its accessibility and usefulness
Flexible Learning, Mobile Application, Support Mechanism, Technopreneurship, User Interface. flood.
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Successful Implementation of Tpack in Teacher Preparation Programs
Barbara Martin, Illinois State University, United States
Today’s teacher education programs should be providing pre-service teachers with ample preparation in shifting instructional approaches enriched with innovative educational technologies. In fact as Lambert & Gong (2010) stated “We have entered a crucial time when the technological preparation of teachers has become an urgent problem we can no longer afford to marginalize” (p. 55). This review of literature examines recent publications on the topic of technology in teacher preparation through the theoretical lens of Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK) which has shown potential to emphasize a teacher’s understanding of how technologies can be used effectively as a pedagogical tool.
Wireless Network, Mobile Network, security; Man-In-The-Middle Attack; smart cities; simulation; Intelligent Transportation System; Internet-of-Things.
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Promoting Female Students’interests in Studying With Educational Technology
David Blasco, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Numerous studies have discussed gender differences in technology education, and have demonstrated that male students have more confidence in using technology than do female students. Female students’ lack of interest is due to the pedagogical approaches favoring male values. By contrast, no previous research on the integration of technology in English as a foreign language has investigated gender differences and the level of confidence of students in using technology in the classroom. This study aims to investigate the perceptions of students’ use of technology in the field of English applied foreign languages and check their perceptions about the use of computer technology. For this purpose, students enrolled in a conventional class of second year license degree in Applied Foreign Languages were interviewed and answered a questionnaire. The results of this study show that female students are highly likely to gain more confidence when given activities that match their learning interests.
Computer, technology, education, gender, foreign applied languages
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Children Using Facebook: Personality Traits, Self-Concept and School Performance
Mitsoula Ioanna, Karatrantou Anthi, Panagiotopoulou Penny and Panagiotakopoulos Christos, University Campus, Greece
Social interaction and communication is basically orchestrated through Social Networking Sites (SNS) with Facebook being amongst the most popular ones. Previous research has shown users’ personality as a highly relevant factor when examining the way people behave virtually. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between Facebook usage and personality in children aged 10 to 13 years with a personal account on Facebook, defined in terms of a Five-Factor Model. The relationship between Facebook usage and users’ self- concept regarding their school performance and their happiness and satisfaction about life was also investigated. For this purpose, children’s teachers were asked to evaluate children’s school performance, in order to better examine the relationship between Facebook usage and users’ school performance. Three hundred and forty-eight (348) pupils of elementary and secondary schools in Patras (Greece) participated in the study. The results indicated that Facebook usage has a statistically significant association with personality traits like Neuroticism, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. Moreover, children who perceived themselves as good pupils did not have a Facebook account. Also, Facebook usage has been found to be negatively related to users’ school performance, as assessed by their teachers. No statistically significant associations were found between Facebook usage and users’ self-perceptions regarding their happiness and general satisfaction with life.
Facebook usage, Big Five personality traits, self-concept, school performance
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Perceptions of Online Teaching and Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Barbadian Primary Andsecondary Schools
Kristina Stuart1, Dwayne Devonish2, Unri Babb3, Kenroy Burke4 and Lisa McClean-Trotman5, 1Research Consultant, 2Professor in Management Studies, 3Research Consultant, 4Research Consultant, 5UNICEF (Eastern Caribbean) Communication for Development Specialist, Barbados
This paper explores a sample of data collected from a UNICEF Eastern Caribbean rapid assessment on teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in eight countries. The primary investigation method was mixed and captured data from key participants/stakeholders in education using CAPI Technology and Video Conferencing tools. Statistical analyses and qualitative thematic analysis were conducted to report on findings using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and Nvivo Qualitative Software. The data on online teaching and learning from Barbados was selected for further review and presented an opportunity to assess the Barbadian experience against other developing and developed countries. In assessing these perceptions in a sample of primary and secondary schools, stakeholders were generally dissatisfied with the online and blended learning modalities citing challenges relating to the equality and equity in access to devices and the enabling environment that facilities effective online teaching and learning.
Teaching and Learning, COVID-19, Online Learning, Blended Learning, Education Equity
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Preparing Student Teachers to Teach With Technology: Case Studies in Finland and Israel
Olzan Goldstein1 and Eero Ropo2, 1School of the Advanced Studies, 2Faculty of Education and Culture, Finland
This quantitative study examines the training of student teachers for ICT-based teaching in two teacher education institution, in Israel and Finland. The data was collected in 2015-2017 using a questionnaire administered to 41 Finnish and 44 Israeli student teachers. The results show that most student teachers had practice in ICT-based teaching. However, about a third of student teachers in both institutions practiced only two times or less using ICT. Those who practiced mostly used a teacher-centred approach as did their college and school mentor teachers who integrated ICT in their lessons. The variable describing competency in ICT-based teaching correlated with student teachers' attitudes, the number of ICT-based lessons they taught, modelling by the school mentor teacher, and the various schools’ infrastructures and support. The results show that students in Israeli institutions are better prepared to teach with ICT which can be explained by the impact of the latest national reforms. We conclude that students' perception of their TPACK is the function of a variety of factors: on a personal level (attitudes towards the contribution of ICT to teaching and learning); on an institutional level (curriculum, modelling by faculty, institutional strategies); on a field practice school level (modelling by school mentors, infrastructure, pedagogical, technological, and administrative support); and on a national level (reforms and their implementation models). All these factors must be considered to promote the pedagogically innovative integration of ICT in teacher training and the overall education system. The best strategy to achieve this goal is to support collaboration between TEIs and schools on the national level. Wide-scale implementation of ICT in teaching demands significant investments in infrastructure and training. Hence much of its success depends on the national vision and priorities given to this purpose.
Teacher Education, Student teachers, ICT integration in teaching
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