Temperature Control using Fuzzy Logic
P. Singhala1 D. N. Shah2 B. Patel3 , 1,2,3Department of instrumentation and control, Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology Surat, Gujarat, INDIA
The aim of the temperature control is to heat the system up to delimitated temperature,afterwardhold it at that temperature in insured manner. Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is best way in which this type of precision control can be accomplished by controller. During past twenty year significant amount of research using fuzzy logic has done in this field of control of non-linear dynamical system. Here we have developed temperature control system using fuzzy logic. Control theory techniques are the root from which convention controllers are deducted. The desired response of the output can be guaranteed by the feedback controller.
Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) and temperature control system.
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Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan ,Research and Development Centre, Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University Avadi, Chennai-600 062, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
This paper investigates the problem of output regulation of Sprott-G chaotic system, which is one of the classical chaotic systems discovered by J.C. Sprott (1994). Explicitly, for the constant tracking problem, new state feedback control laws regulating the output of the Sprott-G chaotic system have been derived using the regulator equations of C.I. Byrnes and A. Isidori (1990). The output regulation of the Sprott-G chaotic system has important applications in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Numerical simulations are shown to illustrate the effectiveness of the control schemes proposed in this paper for the output regulation of the Sprott-G chaotic system.
feedback control; Sprott-G system; nonlinear control systems; output regulation.
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Stabilizing Sliding Mode Control Design and Application for a DC Motor: Speed Control
Ahmed Rhif ,Department of Electronic, High Institute of Applied Sciences and Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia
The regulation by sliding mode control (SMC) is recognized for its qualities of robustness and dynamic response. This article will briefly talk about the regulation principles by sliding mode as well as the application of this approach to the adjustment of a speed control DC motor bench using the TY36A/EV unit. This unit, from Electronica Veneta products, uses a PID controller to control the speed and position of the DC motor. Our purpose is to improve the set time answer and the robustness of the system when disturbances take place. The experimental results show very good performances of the proposed approach relatively to the PID
Sliding mode control, Lyapunov stability, PID controller, DC motor.
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An Iterative Procedure for Optimal Control of Bilinear Systems
H. Ramezanpour,Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
This paper presents a new and straightforward procedure for solving bilinear quadratic optimal control problem. In this method, first the original optimal control problem is transformed into a nonlinear twopoint boundary value problem (TPBVP) via the Pontryagin’s maximum principl e. Then, the nonlinear TPBVP is transformed into a sequence of linear time-invariant TPBVPs using the homotopy erturbation method (HPM) and introducing a convex homotopy in topologic space. Solving the latter problems hrough an iterative process yields the optimal control law and optimal trajectory in the form of infinite series. Finally, sufficient condition for convergence of these series is proved by a theorem. Simplicity and efficiency of the proposed method is shown through an illustrative example.
Bilinear systems, optimal control, homotopy perturbation method, Pontryagin’s maximum principle.
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Chayalakshmi C. L, Basaveshwar Engineering College Bagalkot, Karnataka
Boiler is a power house of any process industry. Soot and scale formation in boilers is still a great concern for increasing the efficiency of the boiler. At present, soot blowers are operated manually once in a shift. This paper presents one of the embedded based industrial automation techniques for efficient operation of soot blowers. An automation technique is designed and implemented in real time using ARM7 platform. Stack temperature is used as the criteria for controlling the soot blower. Embedded C language is used for implementing the automatic control algorithm. The performance of the designed system is tested in the laboratory
ARM7, Boiler efficiency, Stack temperature, Soot blower
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Eduardo J. Adam ,Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina
This work presents the temperature control of a nonlinear batch reactor with constrains in the manipulated variable by means of adaptive feedback-based iterative learning control (ILC). The strong nonlinearities together with the constrains of the plant can lead to a non-monotonic convergence of the l2-norm of the error, and still worse, an unstable equilibrium signal e∞(t) can be reached. By numeric simulation this works shows that with the adaptive feedback-based ILC is possible to obtain a better performance in the controlled variable than with the traditional feedback and the feedback based-ILC.
NBatch reactor, Adaptive control, PID control, ILC
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